Replace conventional winch hooks with the new safer, stronger, and smarter Factor 55 ProLink shackle mount. Factor 55 introduces the new ProLink shackle mount for winch cables and synthetic...
Eliminate the conventional winch hook and replace it with a safer and stronger FlatLink shackle thimble and D-ring. The FlatLink shackle mount is the Industry’s first folding shackle mount for...
The Factor 55 ProLink XXL is the largest and strongest ProLink winch shackle mount in production. The ProLink XXL provides winch owners with a means to replace the conventional winch hook with a...
Shackle/D-ring mount for UTV and ATV winch lines. The ProLink XTV allows UTV and ATV winch owners to replace the conventional winch hook with a safer and stronger shackle/D-Ring. Winch hooks can cut...