Best Price Guarantee
We'll match the price shown on any US-based retailer's website for the identical in-stock product (same size, color, year) within 14-days of purchase.
If you've not bought yet...
Contact us or call 800-593-4124 with where you saw the identical product at a lower price, and we'll take your order at the lower price. Plus you'll earn your Reward Dollars, our love, and a bunch of stuff you don't get from those other guys.
If you’ve already bought from us…
Contact us or call 800-593-4124 with where you saw the identical product at a lower price, and we'll credit back the difference by your original payment method. Login Account Required.
The Boring Price Match Rules
- Excludes prices listed on marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay or sites that require a membership or subscription fee.
- A price match will only be honored for up to three of the same item and items cannot be purchased for resale.
- You cannot combine a price match with other promotions, like a free gift or coupon code.
- A price match will only be honored up to 40% off the original retail price of the item.