Take the chore out of fire starting. These tinder shreds are water-resistant, easy to carry light quickly, burn strong and are essential for a hassle-free fire. Comes in a resealable package.
The EMI Emergency Airway Kit features six different color coded, Berman type airways. The vented openings allow appropriate air ventilation as well as allowing access to a suction catheter. The...
A must for every tackle kit, rod tip repair kits includes all of the necessary materials to quickly repair a broken rod tip.
\nIncludes 3 different size tip tops. Fits most rods - sizes 6 (5/54 in),...
This kit includes 12 total servings of our most popular breakfast, lunch and dinner entrees to get you through anything. Designed to fuel one person for 2 days or...
PERFECT FOR EMERGENCY FOOD STORAGE Emergency supply of breakfast, lunch & dinner for 1 person, for 72 hours. This stackable, easy-to-store kit contains 18 servings of Mountain House meals, approx...